Category: Health Tips

  • Thanksgiving Emergencies (stay safe sign)

    Common Thanksgiving Injuries You Can Avoid

    Thanks to ill-fated backyard “turkey bowls” and dangerous kitchen gadgets, Thanksgiving Day is among the busiest times at our urgent care clinics. With Thanksgiving approaching, there are a few common illnesses and injuries you’ll be grateful to avoid. Sports Injuries Even though you might be celebrating Thanksgiving a little differently this year, you may have… Read full article

  • Father and child wash vegetables for food, nutrition or learning healthy diet

    Tips to Prevent Pediatric Obesity and Diabetes

    It’s an alarming statistic: one in every three children in the U.S. is obese, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). What is even more concerning is that research shows obese adolescents are more likely to remain obese in adulthood. With this increase in weight comes many risk factors, such as prediabetes… Read full article

  • Young woman with acne problem near mirror in bathroom

    Hormonal Imbalance Symptoms: Signs You Shouldn’t Ignore

    Hormones are crucial in regulating nearly every function in your body, from metabolism and energy levels to mood and reproductive health. When they’re in balance, life feels good. But when they’re out of sync, they can cause a host of issues that can leave you feeling anything but yourself. Spotting the symptoms of hormonal imbalance early can… Read full article

  • Homecare nursing service and elderly people cardiology healthcare

    Heart Murmurs: When Should You Be Concerned?

    Has your doctor recently informed you that you have a heart murmur? While many heart murmurs are harmless, it’s important to understand the potential causes and when to seek medical attention. Check out everything you need to know about heart murmurs below including diagnosis and the various treatment options that are available. What is a… Read full article

  • Kids standing next to each other but staring at their smart phones after school

    Back to School: Mental Health in Children

    School is in session again. By now your child has likely found their groove and settled into the new school year. While many kids look forward to seeing their friends again and starting classes, other children can find starting school to be more challenging. Anxiety is the most common mental health disorder in children. Nearly… Read full article

  • Happy joyful group of seniors playing cards

    Memory Loss

    If you’ve ever misplaced your keys, temporarily forgotten someone’s name or paused to remember why you walked into a room, don’t worry. It’s normal to experience occasional forgetfulness, especially as we age. But there are memory problems that can signal something more serious. Summit Health neurologist Mary Kelley, MD, gives us the scoop on memory loss… Read full article

  • Man wincing and holding his back from pain

    Four Things to Know About Disc Replacement Surgery

    Most people experience neck or back pain at some point in their lives. For some, the discomfort is temporary. But for others, the pain persists, making everyday activities difficult. Neck and back pain can have many causes. One is the wearing down of spinal discs known as degenerative disc disease. At Summit Health, our orthopedists… Read full article

  • Male doctor talking to a patient and holding his throat to explain the problem

    Thyroid Disease: Q&A with an Endocrinologist

    Your thyroid plays a big role in many of your body’s main functions. As an endocrine gland, it produces and releases hormones affecting your breathing, heart rate, digestion, and even your mood. Thyroid diseases occur when your thyroid over- or underproduces these hormones. Mary Carroll, MD, an endocrinologist at Summit Health, answers questions about thyroid… Read full article

  • Illustration of blood clots floating in a vein

    Blood Clots: Are You At Risk?

    Your blood performs several important jobs. One is carrying oxygen and nutrients throughout your body. Another job is quickly forming effective clots if a blood vessel gets injured. What is a blood clot? A blood clot is a gel-like clump of blood cells and other substances that form to stop bleeding. After an injury heals,… Read full article

  • Unhappy couple sitting far apart on a bed

    What Is Low Libido? The Causes of Low Sex Drive

    For some, having a low libido, or a reduced or absent sex drive is a delicate, embarrassing problem — especially for those in a long-term relationship or actively looking for a new relationship. For others, it’s a non-issue. Summit Health gynecology provider Tammy Bull, MD, encourages patients to talk openly about their sex lives with… Read full article

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    Don’t Get Burned by These Summer Orthopedic Injuries

    Here comes the sun, nature’s invitation to get outdoors for fun and fitness. But as temperatures rise, so do opportunities to get burned by an injury. Summit Health Orthopedics outline these common orthopedic injuries, the activities that tend to cause them, and steps you can take to prevent spending a sunny day inside at the… Read full article

  • Do I Have a Lyme Disease Rash?

    Outdoor fireworks, backyard BBQs, and late night swims. Lyme disease is a common concern this time of year with most cases appearing between May and August. If you develop a rash and you may have recently been bitten by a tick, then you should see a provider as soon as possible. Lyme disease is an… Read full article

  • Children jumping into resort swimming pool

    How to Avoid Summer Skin Infections and Rashes

    The dog days of summer are here and there is no better way to cool off than by going swimming at the local community pool, river, or lake. You probably think to protect your skin from the sun by applying sunscreen. But did you know there are other things you should do to protect your skin at… Read full article

  • New Guidelines Encourage Women to Begin Regular Mammograms at Age 40

    You may be confused about the right age to have your first mammogram. Until now, there was conflicting information from national societies. But new draft guidance from the U.S Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) advises that all women be screened for breast cancer beginning at age 40. High-risk individuals, including Black or Ashkenazi Jewish women and… Read full article

  • pickleball

    Pickleball Mania: How to Prevent Injury

    Maybe you’ve heard about the sound it makes. Or that sports stars like Tom Brady and Naomi Osaka are investing in it. Or that everyone seems to be playing it these days. It’s pickleball, a sport described as a mix of badminton, ping-pong, and tennis. Played on a court with a perforated plastic ball and… Read full article