Keyword: spider veins
Cosmetic dermatology
Our nonsurgical procedures include injectables and non-invasive cosmetic techniques and products to improve your appearance. Please note: because cosmetic procedures are not medically necessary, insurance plans will not cover them. Feel free to contact our office at 541-706-2370 for more information. Besides treatment for disorders like dermatitis, warts, acne, and skin cancer, our dermatology procedures include… Read full article
Skin cancer
Most of us love the outdoors, but our skin hates the high desert sun. The longer wavelengths (known as UVA: think “A” for aging) penetrate and damage deeper structures like elastic fibers and collagen, as well as pigment cells (melanocytes), where melanoma starts. Such damage causes premature aging with wrinkles, fine lines, rough leathery texture,… Read full article
Vein clinic frequently asked questions
Here are some of the frequently asked questions about the Summit Health Vein Clinic. Please do not hesitate to call us at 541-706-6506 if you need more information. Varicose veins–which afflict 10% to 20% of all adults –are swollen, twisted, blue veins that are close to the surface of the skin. Because valves in them… Read full article
Comprehensive vein treatment plans
There are many vein treatments available for varicose and spider veins. Generally, the smallest veins are injected (sclerotherapy) or treated with a surface laser, and the larger veins are removed or ablated. In the past, removal meant “vein stripping” using a general anesthesia in the hospital setting, however newer techniques are available to ablate the… Read full article
Vein conditions
Your legs are made up of a network of veins, the function of which is to bring deoxygenated blood back to the heart. Healthy leg veins contain valves that open and close to assist the return of blood back to the heart. Because the veins are a low-pressure system, they contain one-way valves to prevent… Read full article
Vein Clinic
Located at our Eastside location, the Summit Health Vein Clinic uses state-of-the-art technology and minimally invasive treatments to get you back to your normal lifestyle. The function of veins is to bring deoxygenated blood back to the heart. Because the veins are a low-pressure system, they contain one-way valves to prevent the blood from flowing… Read full article
Your health is more than skin deep. The skin is our largest organ and is prone to discolorations, abnormalities, and diseases. The skin is vitally linked to internal organs and to one’s overall medical health. Our dermatologists at Summit Health diagnose and treat conditions that affect the skin, hair, nails, and sweat glands. We offer… Read full article