Languages: English
Accepting new patients
Dr. Feldman says carefully listening is the best beginning to every clinical encounter.
Board Certified, Dr. Feldman came to Summit Health from the United States Air Force, where he served as Chief of Nephrology and Director of Dialysis and Apheresis Services at David Grant Medical Center. While in the service, Dr. Feldman established and directed the largest dialysis practice in the United States Air Force, created and directed the first and largest Air Force CKD clinic, and established and directed the first Air Force multidisciplinary kidney stone clinic.
In 2006, Dr. Feldman received the Major General Archie Hoffman Award as Outstanding Air Force Clinician of the Year and was recognized by Major General Hawkins of the 18th Air Force for Clinical Excellence and Program Development.
After receiving his degree in medicine at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine-Bronx, New York, Dr. Feldman completed his residency in Internal Medicine at David Grant Medical Center, Travis AFB, and his Fellowship Training in Nephrology at Stanford University.
Dr. Feldman also completed Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy training with the International ATMO at the Nix Hospital in San Antonio, Texas.
Clinic location
Clinic with urgent care