High-Risk Breast Cancer Clinic

For patients that are at higher risk for breast cancer based on a patient’s family member(s) with breast cancer, a personal history of breast cancer, or a genetic mutation, there are additional methods of screening that can be provided. Summit Health can provide personalized screening recommendations based on risk through our High-Risk Breast Cancer Clinic.

Our High-Risk Breast Cancer Clinic is a comprehensive program for women with an increased risk of developing breast cancer. Our team of breast care specialists includes genetics specialists, breast surgeons, radiologists, oncologists, and nurse navigators. Our team provides a personalized care plan that includes:

  • Personalized screening and prevention options
  • Breast cancer risk assessment
  • Breast exams by a breast care specialist
  • Genetic risk assessment and testing

Who may be at risk?

  • Having a mother, sister, or daughter diagnosed with breast cancer, particularly before menopause
  • 2+ close relatives diagnosed with breast cancer, especially at a young age
  • Diagnosis of ovarian cancer in multiple family members
  • Combination of breast and ovarian cancer occurring on the same side of the family.
  • Breast cancer diagnosed in a male relative
  • History of breast biopsy showing atypical hyperplasia or lobular carcinoma in-situ (LCIS)

Early diagnosis is key to the most successful treatment

Our breast care team will discuss options for cancer screening. High-risk screening may include:

  • Annual digital mammography
  • Annual breast MRI
  • Screening breast ultrasound

3D mammography, imaging, and lab services

To request an appointment for 3D mammography or for more information on our Imaging & Lab services, please call 541-382-4900.


Rose Building Clinic
Bend, Oregon

High-Risk Breast Cancer Clinic phone


Ask for Dr. Erin Walling or Kaylie LaPlante, PA-C.