Internal Medicine

Our Internal Medicine providers are experts at what makes your body work—and work better. Whether you have high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, heart disease, or another medical condition, our team creates treatment plans to help address your immediate needs and long-term plans. Our Hospitalists also coordinate with your Internist to ensure the shortest hospital stay and the healthiest outcome.

Same-day appointments

Same-day appointments are available by calling at 7:00 am the day you’d like the appointment. Simply call 541-382-4900 to see if your provider has any same-day appointments.


Eastside Clinic
Bend, Oregon

Old Mill District Clinic
Bend, Oregon

Redmond North Clinic
Redmond, Oregon

Internal Medicine phone


Family and Internal Medicine Medicine hours

Monday – Friday
7:00 am – 5:00 pm
Extended hours until 6:00 pm in some care teams at each location
Closed weekends & holidays

After Hours

We understand things can happen anytime. Walk-ins are welcome at three Urgent Care locations, 365 days a year. Save your spot in line by telling us you are coming ahead of your arrival. See Urgent Care hours and locations.