As the weather warms up and plants begin to bloom, there’s another sign of the seasons changing you may have noticed — and aren’t too thrilled about: spring allergies.

Allergies associated with a change of season aren’t something you simply have to accept. There are plenty of treatment options, explains Dr. Adam Williams, an allergist and immunologist with Summit Health. Read on for her helpful information about spring allergies and how to address them.

What are the symptoms of spring allergies?

If you’re not feeling up to par but aren’t sure if allergies are the cause, consider whether you have any of the following symptoms around the same time each spring and summer:

  • Runny nose
  • Stuffy nose
  • Sneezing
  • Itchy and watery eyes

Dr. Williams also notes that asthma can also be triggered by pollen allergies: “Pollen is one of many triggers that can result in asthma flare ups and lead to coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath.”

What is causing my allergies?

“Spring allergies are caused by pollen,” says Dr. Williams. “In the early spring, it’s tree pollen, and a little later, in the late spring and early summer, it’s grass pollen as well.”

When trees, grass, and weeds release pollen—which are small grains that fertilize other plants— our bodies go into defense mode because our immune system thinks pollen is a danger to it, he explains.

Should I go to an allergist?

“If your symptoms are not improving with simple over-the-counter measures, or they are interfering with your daily activities and quality of life, then you should see an allergist,” says Dr. Williams. “Sometimes other allergens are culprits too.”

What are the treatment options?

A first step in treating allergies is avoidance, such as “staying inside when the pollen counts are really high and showering and changing clothes when you come in from outside and/or keeping the windows closed.” However, avoidance isn’t always possible. Other treatment options include:

  • Over-the-counter treatments. These include antihistamines, decongestants, eye drops, and nasal sprays (both saline and steroid).
  • Prescription medication. If over-the-counter treatments don’t work, your allergist can prescribe a prescription medication, which often includes the same ingredients as an over-the-counter option at a higher dosage.
  • Allergy shots. Allergy shots are another option. “We give patients injections of the protein they’re allergic to,” explains Dr. Williams.” Every time they come in, we give them a higher dose. That’s what creates a tolerance to the protein. As a long-term treatment, it can be very effective for patients.”

Where can I find an allergist?

Dr. Williams is accepting new patients at the Summit Health Old Mill location. He can confirm if you have allergies and come up with a specific treatment plan that is suitable to you and your lifestyle.