3D mammography is a new technology in the fight against breast cancer that allows doctors to examine your breast tissue one layer at a time. 3D mammography uses high-powered computing to convert digital breast images into a stack of very thin layers or “slices”– building what is essentially a “3-dimensional mammogram”. A good analogy for 3D mammography is like thinking of the pages in a book. If you look down at the cover you cannot see all of the pages – but when you open it up, you

can go through the entire book page-by-page to see everything between the covers. 3D mammography is designed with the same concept in mind. Very low X-ray energy is used during the screening examination so your radiation exposure is below the FDA guidelines. Using 3D mammography

and digital mammography together for screening has been proven to significantly reduce “call-backs” by 20-40%.3,4 In addition, 3D mammography finds cancers earlier than 2D mammography alone, with a 27% increase in cancer detection and a 40% increase in invasive cancer detection.5 3D mammography may also be used during a diagnostic mammogram if you happen to be called back for this type of exam.


*Source – Hologic


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