Over the past several weeks, our offices have taken proactive steps to keep our patients and employees safe. Now, as things begin to stabilize, it is our job to make sure you are receiving the essential care you need.
What kind of services will you start to offer in-person?
It is important to restart care that is currently being postponed, such as essential surgeries and procedures, chronic disease care, and, ultimately, preventive care. We know many patients have ongoing health care needs that are being deferred and need to re-start clinically necessary care.
Is it safer to postpone an office visit until the pandemic is over?
We understand you may be hesitant to seek in-person care at this time. However, the dangers of undetected medical conditions and chronic disease may put you at even greater risk. We’ve put careful precautions and protocols in place to ensure a safe in-office visit. We hope you don’t delay making an appointment for essential care.
What is SMGOR doing to keep me safe at my next in-office visit?
For the safety and well-being of our patients and in-office teams, we are reinforcing best practices and careful considerations at all our facilities, including the below. We also expect to soon begin offering antibody testing to determine whether a person has been exposed to COVID-19.
- Strict social and physical distancing measures
- Minimal time spent in waiting areas
- Chairs spaced at least 6 feet apart
- Low patient volumes
- Restriction of visitors (unless medically necessary)
- Screening of all patients using non-contact infrared thermometers and inquiring about common symptoms of COVID-19.
- Rigorous cleaning and disinfecting of all areas
- All patients, employees, and visitors to be wearing masks or face coverings
Will you still be offering telemedicine?
As we gradually resume in-person care, we will continue to maximize our telemedicine platforms for care that can be accomplished virtually. Call your provider, reach out by MyChart message, or call us at 541-706-2319 to determine which type of virtual visit will work best to meet your needs.
Medication-Related COVID-19 FAQs
Telemedicine Info
Children and Masks – What Parents Should Know
A Pediatrician’s Take on Guiding Children Through the COVID-19 Pandemic
Food Safety During Coronavirus Pandemic