Emotions take over you when you are first diagnosed with breast cancer. You are shocked, confused, and don’t know what to do. Here are a list of questions to ask your doctor and help find out what may come next.
- What type of breast cancer do I have?
- What is the stage of my cancer?
- Can you explain my pathology report to me? Can I have a copy for my records?
- Do I need any more tests?
- What treatment options are available for me?
- What are the benefits from each treatment you recommend?
- What are the side effects of each treatment option?
- Will treatment cause menopause?
- How will each treatment affect my daily life? Can I continue working?
- Is there one treatment you recommend over the others?
- How do you know that these treatments will benefit me?
- What would you recommend to a friend or family member in my situation?
- How quickly do I need to make a decision about cancer treatment?
- What happens if I don’t want cancer treatment?
- What will cancer treatment cost?
- Does my insurance plan cover the tests and treatment you’re recommending?
- Should I seek a second opinion? Will my insurance cover it?
- Are there any brochures or other printed material that I can take with me? What websites or books do you recommend?
- Are there any clinical trials or newer treatments that I should consider?
*Source Mayo Clinic
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