
Your health is more than skin deep. The skin is our largest organ and is prone to discolorations, abnormalities, and diseases. The skin is vitally linked to internal organs and to one’s overall medical health.

Our dermatologists at Summit Health diagnose and treat conditions that affect the skin, hair, nails, and sweat glands. We offer screening and dermatology procedures for a variety of skin issues, including common and serious skin cancers. Besides treatment for disorders like dermatitis, warts, acne, and skin cancer, our dermatology procedures include cosmetic procedures.

Disorders we diagnose and treat

Dermatology specialties

Mother and daughter applying sunscreen on the beach for skin cancer prevention

Skin cancer

Learn more about skin cancer, UV rays, how to prevent skin cancer, things to avoid, and treatments like Mohs surgery.

Smiling woman with healthy, beautiful skin

Cosmetic dermatology

Learm more about the different cosmetic dermatology services we offer, including Botox, Juvéderm, Voluma®, Kybella®, and Asclera®.

Dermatology resources

How the sun sees you

Find out how the sun views your skin and how UV rays can affect you.

Dear 16-year-old me

Survivors of melanoma talk to their 16-year-old selves.

Levulan Kerastick & BLU-U 4170 patient education

Learn about the Levulan Kerastick and BLU-U 4170 and how it is used.

PhotoMedex XTRAC laser treatment for psoriasis

Learn about the laser treatment that can be used for psoriasis.



Old Mill District Clinic
Bend, Oregon